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Blogs to Inspire and Motivate
Midlife Women and Beyond

Two Women Chatting
Pharmacy First: What You Need to Know about the new NHS England Scheme
Pharmacy First-Â well basically it is what it says on the tin! The NHS England scheme is to encourage people to visit their pharmacists...

Two Women Chatting
Top tips for when adult kids move back home
Some tips for a smooth transition when adult kids move back home. From setting boundaries to fostering independence.

Hannah Bartlett, Jolly Festive
De-stressing The Christmas Festive Season by Hannah & Jo, Jolly Festive
Keeping Christmas manageable

Two Women Chatting
Sandwich Generation -the challenges of caring for ageing parents and children by Liz Copping
What is the sandwich generation and the stress it entails.

Two Women Chatting
Kids just left home? Embrace the empty nest!
Tips and suggestions of what to do when the kids leave home and you are left with an empty nest.

Gaia Family
The cost of IVF by Gaia
There are many unknowns when you start IVF. One of the most stressful is the total cost you pay if you have treatment privately.

Morgan Baker
The Goodbye Season - kids leaving home
Some parents find it harder than others to be empty nesters and embrace the freedom that it brings.

Two Women Chatting
What are T-Levels? by PMT Education
T Levels or Technical Levels, are vocational qualifications which follow on from GCSEs. They are designed for 16-19 year olds.

Two Women Chatting
Top tips for preparing for A Level Results Day
Top tips for preparing for A Level Results Day

Two Women Chatting
Gardening Myths: True or False?
Is all the information handed down through the generations actually true or just gardening myths?

Two Women Chatting
Liz & Michelle's recipe of the week - Plum Tart
A delicious and easy recipe for a weekend dessert.

Liz Copping
Camping with the grandchildren- was it a tent too far? by Liz Copping
Liz and her husband were reluctant to go camping after their childhood holiday experiences but at a family get-together they were talked...

Two Women Chatting
Is it Selfish to Self Care?
Self care is so important in this fast paced world - if you don't look after yourself how can you look after others?

Two Women Chatting
Positivity or Negativity - The Daily Choice
It’s been pretty easy to feel depressed at the moment. The seemingly endless negative experiences have made it hard to stay buoyant and...

Resources Library
If you would like to search for a midlife topic in more detail why not check out our midlife library. A useful collection of all the ares that affect us all in some way.
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