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Blogs to Inspire and Motivate
Midlife Women and Beyond
Judith Spruzs
Heard of a DEXA scan? Read on to learn more about bone health in midlife.
Bones are a dynamic living organ that turn over all the time. A small piece of bone takes between 3 to 9 months to turn over completely...
Two Women Chatting
Pharmacy First: What You Need to Know about the new NHS England Scheme
Pharmacy First-Â well basically it is what it says on the tin! The NHS England scheme is to encourage people to visit their pharmacists...
Gaia Family
The cost of IVF by Gaia
There are many unknowns when you start IVF. One of the most stressful is the total cost you pay if you have treatment privately.
Dr Shirin Lakhani
Vaginal rejuvenation treatments -what are they and do we need them? by Dr Shirin Lakhani
Vaginal rejuvenation treatments are becoming increasingly popular- but what are they and do we need them?
Two Women Chatting
Midlife eye tips during and after the menopause
As women enter midlife various changes occur throughout our body. What changes in our eyes and what are the causes?
Two Women Chatting
What causes hair loss in women?
Hair loss is a common concern that affects both men and women and can be emotionally distressing. So what causes hair loss in women?
Kollo Health
Marine collagen: the secret weapon for midlife and menopause
What is marine collagen and why it is important to maintain our collagen as we age.
Two Women Chatting
Is it Selfish to Self Care?
Self care is so important in this fast paced world - if you don't look after yourself how can you look after others?
Two Women Chatting
Positivity or Negativity - The Daily Choice
It’s been pretty easy to feel depressed at the moment. The seemingly endless negative experiences have made it hard to stay buoyant and...
Two Women Chatting
Lazy Weight Loss
Classic new year topic...but with a twist. Liz and Michelle want to lose weight but, as Michelle can't exercise due to upcoming surgery...
Resources Library
If you would like to search for a midlife topic in more detail why not check out our midlife library. A useful collection of all the ares that affect us all in some way.
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