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Blogs to Inspire and Motivate
Midlife Women and Beyond

James Davies
Andropause - myth or reality?
Is the male andropause real or a myth? Tips and advice for men reaching their midlife.

Marley Hall
Fat Reduction and Skin Tightening Through Ultrasonic Cavitation and Radiofrequency
Looking for fat reduction in targeted areas? Ultrasonic cavitation and radio frequency might be the non invasive solution

Dr Helen Wall
Easy Tricks to Better Bone Health by Dr Helen Wall
There aren’t many things we can do to truly slow down the ageing process but taking control of our bone health might just be one. Sadly,...

Two Women Chatting
Pharmacy First: What You Need to Know about the new NHS England Scheme
Pharmacy First-Â well basically it is what it says on the tin! The NHS England scheme is to encourage people to visit their pharmacists...

Two Women Chatting
Top tips for when adult kids move back home
Some tips for a smooth transition when adult kids move back home. From setting boundaries to fostering independence.

Judith Spruzs
Testosterone for women by Judith Spruzs, Founder of Menopause Health
Many people think of testosterone as a male sex hormone, but women produce it too.

Jane Michell
Christmas without the calories – is it possible? by Jane Michell
Jane Michell founder of Jane Plan the UK's leading weight management system gives us some great advice on how to enjoy a happy, healthy...

Hannah Bartlett, Jolly Festive
De-stressing The Christmas Festive Season by Hannah & Jo, Jolly Festive
Keeping Christmas manageable

Toni Summers Hargis
How to cope with losing a spouse by Toni Hargis
Nothing prepares you for losing a spouse or partner - but you do need to be prepared and know what to do before and after death.

Resources Library
If you would like to search for a midlife topic in more detail why not check out our midlife library. A useful collection of all the ares that affect us all in some way.
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